Did your Mother tell you??

Did your Mother tell you??

It's long been known that our pre-natal lives have a deep impact on what comes after in life, This painting in the Modern Tate shows us that it is deeply embedded in our psyche and influences are lives continually.
It’s long been known that our pre-natal lives have a deep impact on what comes after in life, This painting in the Modern Tate shows us that it is deeply embedded in our psyche and influences are lives continually.

Did your Mother tell you about your birth? Chances are that she didn’t and that she thought it was alright…..SHE MAY HAVE BEEN WRONG

When I asked my Mother, she had no answers…. I did my own ‘personal research’ and found out from MY body memories that the terrible pain that I had in my pelvis and the tension in my shoulder and jaw were the result of my Challenging FACE UP Birth.
I also discovered that my inability to feel safe in relationship was linked to my ‘Discovery Moment’ when my mother was unsure as a young women about being pregnant.
My deep anxiety around connection and having a home was linked to my Implantation.
And the immense amount of shock in my body was due to my Embodiment Experiences. (The time when we transition into a physical form. It is thought to be at some point along the way of the Egg Journey or Sperm Journey, when these two reproductive cells are moving towards each other)
There was much to heal but I knew where to start. Each time that I researched within the context of a loving, supportive group, together with my teacher Karlton Terry, who is a Pre Birth Educator, I was able to heal another piece of the puzzle.
Unfortunately, when these earlier traumas are not healed, they have a way of repeating. It took me 3 marriages, before I understood the problems that I had around connection and safe relationship.
I could go on….there is much to this story….

What is it that you need to heal in your life and where did it start? You don’t actually need to know anything to get started, except for what is not working in your life now. This is a great pointer to where you may have had a problem in your pre natal life.
Julia and I are here to help you. We are skilled at understanding the body language that shows itself in the people that we are working with when they start to ‘tap into’ their early cellular memories.
Why not take this opportunity to attend the next Healing Birth Wounds Workshop and we will take you carefully and safely, in a loving way, to a more healed and integrated experience of yourself?
March 12th & 13th Healing Birth Wounds Workshop.

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