A Life Journey Lived from the Heart
Aside from the specific trainings detailed above, I have had a life long interest in health and have acquired a background knowledge of nutrition, naturopathy, herbalism and homeopathy, Kinesiology, EFT and how the mind works using the principles of quantum physics. When working with a client, I bring all these skills and insights into the session. Fundamental to our physical well being is good nutrition, which is why I am a passionate gardener. Growing my own food, I know that I am eating the very best quality. It is this quality of food that I offer to others that become involved in the Healing Gardens Cooperative.
I created both the Cooperative and Healing Waters Sanctuary so that people could find the quality of support and sensitivity, from the heart, from one human being to the next, that would support their very own personal needs for healing. There are times when I may not get everything right, and in this I ask for compassion from those of you who may not be satisfied, to understand that I work with a deep and heartfelt commitment to be of service to you.
I am mother of four and naturally work sensitively and empathetically with babies and children as well as adults. Prior to setting up Healing Waters, I developed an organic small holding, growing produce, rearing animals and training people in the principles of self sufficiency and sustainability in the south of France. I have a strong connection with the earth, plants and animals. In creating the Healing Gardens Cooperative which is the sister project of Healing Waters Sanctuary, I hope to empower people to develop their own connections to the earth and to each other, to re-create community where it has been destroyed by our modern lifestyles; to be able to nourish and honour their bodies, the temples to their souls with really good, vitally alive food. In the gardens we grow a wide range of organic produce, keep bees and chickens and offer access to it to guests staying at the Sanctuary.
Apart from my professional training I have actively participated in peace movement campaigning and have also travelled extensively. I have been deeply involved in working with various NGO’s in relief work in Eritrea and India. In the UK I have helped people become financially self-empowered by sharing my knowledge of property investment and business development, having trained with T. Harv Eker, Bob Procter and Blair Singer.
The main inspiration in my life has come from Gandhi and the Dalai Lama and my core philosophy is Buddhist. In this respect, Healing Waters Sanctuary is a multi-faith centre, and it has received spiritual teachers and healers from different spiritual backgrounds, including a number of Tibetan Lamas.