Trauma may be the cause of symptoms that doctors can’t understand

Trauma may be the cause of symptoms that doctors can’t understand

Compassion is profoundly powerful in healing trauma.
Compassion is profoundly powerful in healing trauma.

Do you have worrying symptoms that doctors can’t identify?
I have worked with a few people recently that have been through some grueling medical procedures as a result of distressing symptoms.
After going through complex invasive tests no-one is the wiser as to what is causing the problem. It can be very worrying. Trauma and more problems can also arise from the medical procedures, making the situation more complex to unravel.

Sensible advice is if you are experiencing severe pain especially in the chest area or other debilitating symptoms then you need medical advice. Alongside that should be added the awareness that trauma which is a dis regulation of the nervous system, can cause many distressing symptoms that do not have a physical basis for them.

As an alternative practitioner, you may often have people come to you that have been through the medical tests and are now seeking help as a result that the doctors could not find the cause of the problem.

When taking your client’s history, look out for accidents, shocks, abuse or even previous medical procedures that may have affected the nervous system of your client. They may come to you in a state of anxiety or fear. Whatever your healing modality, there is a lot that you can do to help them right from the moment that they step into your treatment room. This is true also for medical practitioners. An awareness of the affects of the environment and your ability to be empathic and ‘present’ to your client, is a valuable part of your healer’s ‘toolkit’.

If you would like to learn more about this and what you can do to help, I am offering a set of Guidelines for you. You will find them helpful in making a big difference to your client practice.

You can find them here.

As humans we are very dependent on how we relate to each other. Take time and take care of this part of your therapy practice.

Juliet Yelverton
Healing Waters Sanctuary

Juliet at Healing Waters Sanctuary

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